Rental Value Claims

Claim Type

Rental Value Claims


Rental Value Claims for Losses From Vacant Space

If you own commercial space or residential units that were rendered unusable by property damage, your insurance policy may cover the lost income. However, recovering for loss of rental value is easier said than done.

If your property damage claim is denied or if your insurer resists at paying the fair value of your rental value claim, is your key to a successful settlement. We represent homeowners and condominium associations, condo owners, homeowners, and owners of apartment buildings, shopping centers, strip malls, malls, office buildings and other commercial spaces.

Rental value losses are typically covered under a general property casualty policy, or under a separate rider. works closely with clients to detail or project the lost revenues if you or your tenants are displaced from the damaged property. Rental Value loss includes dangerous, filthy or unlivable conditions, as well as any period the property or unit cannot be occupied because of rebuilding, repair, smoke extraction, etc.

We welcome inquiries about rental value insurance claims from property owners and property managers

Call for a consultation to explore all your options in dealing with your Rental Value claim. 1-800-303-2591
